Sacramento River phytoplankton nutrient dynamicsMy Masters work in the Wilkerson/Dugdale/Parker lab investigated phytoplankton response to nutrients conditions in the San Francisco Estuary, especially nutrient uptake and growth of river phytoplankton along an NH4-rich effluent gradient. The project was broken into two related parts:
1) Use of PhytoFlash in situ variable fluorescence probe for detection of phytoplankton nutrient stress in an estuarine system. I am using this simplified field instrument to find correlations between nutrient dynamics in the field and Fv/Fm signals that may indicate algal "health" in the community. 2) Effects of wastewater nitrogen concentration and form on phytoplankton community assemblage. I am collaborating with local agencies to investigate which phytoplankton communities develop in the Sacramento River when various nitrogen forms are available (eg. high-NH4, high-NO3, both). more |
Sacramento River water quality
Lagrangian tracking of nutrients and phytoplankton.